What a beautiful day to race on Sunday where the sun decided to come out for us!
Two out of three Gold cup finals ain’t bad huh? Competing against all the top teams and coming out where we did is no mean feat. We may have come second, but we sure as hell proved our worth amongst those top teams. Well done to all ladies and gents, every achievement as a team.
Two more major races and a ladies race, we still have everything to play for. With a double whammy weekend at Aberdeen, the birthplace of dragon boat in Hong Kong this Friday and the ladies bringing the gun show in Disco Bay on Sunday, we need to remain heads on, racing our race, bringing that fire and executing what we have practiced.
We all know we want that Champions Cup to drink out of, so keep up the focus, keep listening to your body, rest, stretch and make sure we are not taking our foot off the gas before we have finished this season. You wouldn’t slow down before you finish a race in dragon boat and we certainly are not going to do that over the next few weeks.
Keep it on Buzz!
- Hoi
Chai Wan Results

There’s a slight change to the remaining training schedule: there will be no training the Thursday before internationals, and we will have a normal week of training the week before the Tai O race. There will still be no training the week after internationals.
Please check TeamApp for signup information.
Good fun was had by all racing with Shum Woo on Monday. First place in the silver final, and happy paddlers all round!

There are two dinners coming up with our great friends Shum Woo!

The first is a free dinner after the Tuen Ng race this Friday. We’ve been allocated 6 tables (!) so let’s show our gratitude and turn up in strong numbers.
The second dinner is Shum Woo’s annual dinner, where we’ve been allocated 3 tables. This one is important, and I know we’ll show our support to our friends as usual.
We’d love to get a good number of people there to show our appreciation for all they do for us: providing a clubhouse to train from, giving us the opportunity to race in their 50-man boat, shouting us a free dinner after Tuen Ng, and just generally being great friends of the club!
Dinner #1
Tuen Ng Festival After-race Dinner
Where: Paramount Banquet Hall, Aberdeen
When: 7:30pm till late, after Tuen Ng race day this Friday
Cost: FREE!
Dinner #2
Shum Woo Annual Dinner
Where: Fu Lam, Aberdeen
When: 17 June, 7pm till late
Cost: $300
Family / friends welcome
Sign up for both on TeamApp!
We’re planning some social events in the coming weeks/months, so save the date now! Details TBC later on:
21 June (Friday): Buzz Social
7 Sept (Saturday): Buzz Annual Dinner
14 Sept (Saturday): Buzz Annual Junk Boat

As part of our sponsorship deal with Joint Dynamics, all Buzz members get a one-off free spots injury assessment.
To get yours done, just call 2762 0528 to make an appointment, mention you are a member of Buzz Dragon, and would like to make an appointment for the free sport injury assessment. Location: 12th Floor, Dorset House, 979 King's Road, Quarry Bay
For other services from Joint Dynamics, we get 20% off at either their Quarry Bay or Central location.

The following items will be offered again from Tsunami: Visor, Cap, T-shirt, Long Sleeve and Hoodie.
We still need more interest to open up the following: Polo (3 more), Training Top (4 more), Shorts (3 more)
If you’re interested to order more of these, please PM Janet by this Friday. We hope to open the store again early next week.
Lastly, with the season coming to a close in a few weeks, it’s time now to gauge interest in off-season races.
Please fill in this questionnaire by Friday so we know what numbers are likely to look like: